Monday, February 14, 2011

Our Nations TRUE Crisis Pt. 2

Sorry I messed up the title of my last one. Prob should have been what i changed it to now, instead of true nations.

Now onto some more fun situations that I can relate to a lot more.
The more modern scene.
Anyone who has even spoken to someone single living in nyc knows about the situation. On the UWS and in the Heights there are countless amounts of single men and women all looking to get married, YET, nobody is. Everyone falls into that situation of the dreaded “FRIEND ZONE” dun dun dundun(gloomy music). We’ve all been part of it and witnessed it. Therefore, I wont waste anymore time talking about it, rather just make fun of the shidduch world of these ppl.
How often have you heard this situation happen to someone you know, or even yourself
“Hey Moshe, you know I was thinking I have the perfect girl for you”

“Oh really Shmuel, who? Whats her deal?”

“Well actually I don’t know her that well, but you are both tall, so I think it could work”

“Well you are both sphardi so I think it would be a good idea”

Or my personal Favorite
“Why don’t you go out with Esti?”

“Shmuel how did you even come up with that idea, why would you think that’s a good idea?”

“Well Moshe, I saw you 2 talking in shul, so I thought why not”

How is this what the world has come to. Two people are tall and therefore would be a good match. Or the fact that you can carry a conversation with someone from the opposite sex means you would be a good fit?????REALLY??????????????

If you actually want to set up a friend of yours, try to put some actual thought into things instead of just being stupid. And also this goes for both guys and girls, when asking a friend if they want to be set up with someone, make sure to put NO pressure on the person and give them an out. Because how many times has a friend tried setting you up with someone that you don’t find remotely attractive but yet you don’t know how to say No without hurting their friends feelings, so you make up the excuse of
“I’m actually trying to figure things out right now”,
or “im actually not dating now”.
Granted the girls just go on the dates anyway cuz they feel bad even saying that, go and get a free meal and then just turn the guy down for a second date.

Other fun situations for us modern folk, arise at the singles events. We’ve all been there done that as well, gone to plenty of singles events, either at shuls or friends parties or einstien casino nights. These events bring out a great group of people, they really do. You get a lot of diversity of different types of people. You get girls with skirts, pants, tshirts, sweaters. You get guys in jeans, shabbat clothing and you get everyone from the jocks to the creeps.
My issue with these events are that although they are setup so that you can meet new ppl and maybe hit it off, its almost impossible to do so. When you are in such a large crowd its very hard to focus on just meeting one person. Your eyes are always floating around looking for either someone better to talk to, cuz who knows who else is out there or just looking for that friend of yours that you know is there and you haven’t seen in 2 months. If you want to actually meet someone at an event like that it must all take place through a friend. Which sometimes does work out, but these are things that I think people need to realize when they go into events like that. Don’t expect to just go and meet the perfect match. If you do, you'll just get depressed that another event passed by and you failed again. Or get angry at events like this, and blame the system. Just take the events for what they are. Enjoy hanging out with friends and maybe you could come along 1 or 2 new people in the evening.

Again people reading this, I hope that whatever means you chose to find your bashert, you are happy with and everyone should feel comfortable doing whatever they like.

Cant we just go back to the good ol days, meet a girl at a diner, buy her milkshake, take her to a movie. Next thing you know you have spent 25 cents and you have a nice girlfriend. (hint hint, if anyone is interested in a milkshake and movie this week with me, let me know)

And for those of you reading this that may still be in YU or Stern you can just ride the Shiduch Shuttle every night. I heard that 60% of the time, it works everytime. And if that fails then you have the next 2 weeks to hit up the Seforim Sale over by YU. After that, may god help us all.


1 comment:

  1. its amazing that within all this nonsense that you write you occasionally drop in an actual sound piece of advice. bravo to you sir for being our guiding light and beacon in these hard times!
